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Creating and Curating brilliant Brand Names to empower future and current companies is thrilling for me - a joy!
What is the difference between a Brand Name and a Domain Name?
Ideally, they should be the same name. A Brand Name
represents your business. A Domain Name represents
your business on the Web.
Your Brand Name is the "face" of your business.
It is the first point of contact. Do you want your
"face" to be beautiful or bold, delicate or fierce,
uplifting or disruptive, fun or furious, soothing
or sizzling, laid-back & comfy or urgent?
Words contain meanings that are felt by
the observer according their personal
experience and cultural upbringing.
Words that are trending carry the beat
of the current pulse.
Classic keywords that contain universal
meanings work well to reach a wider audience.
Happy Trails as you journey through
Created in Love.
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